Monday, January 21, 2008


How much fun can you have in one weekend?
I try to squeeze 5 days of vacation fun into 3
every time I go see Jayni, Jake and family in
Spokane. I missed my first flight and caught my second arriving Thursday eve at 11:00 pm. Poor Jakes having to pick me up! I flew on a small plane, so I arrived a little sick to boot! Anyway the next morning was worth it all! I crawled in bed with Elly and whispered that Grandma Suzy was here with some fun presents for her and Toby. She was so excited! She opened her big present, which was a stuffed horse she immediately named "Old Blue". She wasn't sure she liked him at first, asking me that didn't I know she wanted the blonde horse? Oh Well I told her the blonde horsey was scarey and knew she would take good care of "Old Blue". She attached to him after a while, and all was fine! She had a great time taking care of him while I was there. Elly put on her horsey shirt and her pink cowboy boots, and was a cowgirl princess the rest of the day. We played most of the morning and then Jake and I went to Spokane Discount while Elly had Joy School. We got some fantastic deals there. After lunch, we played some more then me and Jayni went to Spokane Discount for some more fantastic deals. Needless to say, I'm sick of Spokane Discount. After a super dinner of refried beans Jayni prepared, Jake picked up Andrew at the airport that night while I fell asleep with the kids. The next morning Jake, Andrew and I woke up early. They played basketball with the missionaries, and I ran 2 1/2 hours, in the stake center. The stake center wasn't to bad to run in actually I listened to Jan Karon's Home to Holly Hills. It's a great book. After our run, we cleaned ourselves up. Then Jake and Andy went and picked up the cake, pizza and other party needs, while Jayni and I cleaned and prepared for Toby's birthday party. Guests arrived at noon and the party began. Pizza, and drinks for everyone. Then the Shiny Dinah Musical Birthday Party began. At first, it started out a little wierd, but then the adults broke down and started to play with their kids and finally they began to have fun! After the party, Toby tried to blow out his candle, the cake was cut, and Toby pigged out on his cake! He made a mess! How fun it was to watch little Tobs eat his cake! Elly enjoyed having all her friends there to play with too. After the guests left and clean up was done, we all relaxed! That night we played games, and watched videos. The games were highly competitive! The next morning, we went to church. I went to Elly's sunbeam class. Elly was a so cute singing head, shoulders, knees and toes in front of the whole primary. She loves to sing! Elly raised her hand on every question asked, and loved every minute learning to choose the right. After Jake taught his sunday school class, he took us to the airport. We left in a hurry forgetting some important things. While in transit to the airport, Toby fell asleep. As Jake was going over bumps in the road, Toby's little choppers jiggled. I couldn't help but kiss him the whole way. He's so cute, as well as Elly. I love you all so much! One thing Elly said in her prayer Saturday night that tickled me was she told Heavenly Father that she was grateful for the jewelry box that Grandma Suzy bought her and JeeWon. Thank you Jake and Jayni for a wild weekend!

1 comment:

Jayni and Jake said...

Loved the weekend with you MOM!!! Love you!